I am a year 5 student at the Te Wairua Pakiki 6 Learning Space at St. Pius X Catholic School in Auckland, New Zealand. My teacher is Ms Nees-Kairua.
Monday, May 31, 2021
Daniel What Native tree am I?
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Daniel Matai Tree
My group decided to explore more about the Matai tree because we want to find out what else the matai tree is used for, we already know it is used for timber and flouring for our house but we want to know what else it is used for Probably Medicine and the bark is very In the forest, matai trees can be recognised most easily from their bark. Grey-brown and punctate, it flakes off in thick rounded or ovoid chunks which leave reddish blotches on the trunk. The bark is commonly described as having a 'hammered' appearance, as if it were beaten brass Mataī begins life as a divaricating shrub – a tangle of interlaced branches with tiny brown leaves. Growing slowly in shaded forest, it may take 50 years to reach 2 metres, and eventually reaches 3–5 metres in height. After this, as it continues to grow, it develops a cylindrical trunk and rounded crown.
Daniel - swimming\ Whole week\ Trip
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Daniel Cybersmart challenge 11
Today i Did cyber smart Challenge 11 and this was kinda of hard but we get instructions and it made it kind of easy to do and here is a picture of me and my work.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Daniel Sailing recount
On march the first we went sailing and we got there on a bus we went to go meet the coaches and they told us how to steer and do the rope thingy but we did not go first the year 5s went first They had life jackets on in case they dont drown and they had wet suits after like half and hour or an hour we finally went sailing but the old man only said you can only go with one of your teammates this really sucked but my other friend went to go pick some body else so we went to hop on to the boat and the old man showed us how to steer so we went out to the sea and we had to tie our ropes to each boats and the jet ski i think was pulling us then she let go of us and we went sailing after we had a race to the pink ball to the other pink ball and we came second and then we were following a coach (Hollie) and we were first Place oh yea and when she said to stop she threw off balls and we had to get the balls and we had to see who had the most balls and we came first place my teammate was really good (sione) then we came back to shore and we went to go take our life jackets of and took off our wet suits then we went to get changed and we left with the bus. and here is Two pictures of me sailing and making our boats
Daniel Coullom a&b
Today we had to match up the words with what happend on jesus acension and there were coullums it was a & b and this was kinda and here is the work i have done
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Daniel Ngā kare ā-roto me ngā āhau
Yesterday we did a Te Reo Maroi Emotions we Learnt this at Life Education and met Harold the giraffe. we had to do different emotions i did sick and my other friends did like suspicious and lazy, angry and ye a we used objects like playing things (connect 4) and yea here is a video that we did and we did a slide show
as well and our work.
Daniel Dioramas Bush St Christopher Tahuna Torea
Today we finished our Dioramas and we were doing the bush walk and this was at Tahuna Torea and we each had to read a part we had to talk about our plants Example: I made a palm tree and its mostly found in tropical areas. and this is my speeach that i did and here is me and my group (saint Christopher) dioramas.
Daniel Nerves System/ Life education
Today i learnt about the Nerves System and the system that carries the message around our body is called the nervous system there are over 70km of nerves the message travels at about 300 km and could travel up to 400km if the body is under some kind of Nerve system and here is my work.
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Daniel Sailing Trip
Daniel Little legends Try it out
today we went to the Little league and we were being different superheros the first super hero was the spider man and you had to hold the ball propeller and get the other people the next super hero was two hero it was the flash and spider man so it was like a race after that round we had taggers they had to tag us when we get to the end then we run back and give the ball to someone else after we all went to the coaches and they gave us some certificate and here is a picture of it.
Monday, May 17, 2021
Daniel bush Tahuna Tōrea Mind Flow
at the bush we explored some plants and i saw a seed plants and those plants were the largest group of plants and we came across a sign that said something about seed plants after we saw some leaves falling down and we even saw a medium water fall which was so cool and here is a picture of us at the bush and here is a link to a video.
Daniel body parts mobile !!
Today i am learning about body parts and what i learnt was brains lungs and an outside of your brain and hearts this was kinda hard but at the same time i had my group helping me (Saint Christopher) after i finish my google drawing i had to put facts in about our body parts and for brain i said that multitasking is impossible and i was shocked after we have done this we put all the work that we did in our facts and our google drawing into a body parts mobile on a book when we are finish we cut it out and then we put it together like this i will show you a picture of me with my mobile thing and hope you enjoy have a lovely weekend.
Daniel Tahuna Tōrea Mind flow
Today we are talking about our feelings when we went on our Tahuna Tōrea trip we did this in a google drawing and we had to add some plant pictures. And now i am blogging it and me and my friends were so happy to go on a trip. i felt really really happy to receive and invitation from St Pius x school and i was wondering if my mum would be happy to see me when i get back and i hope she will buy my favorite food (MacDonald) after we had to show our teacher our work after we got back from our trip we worked on our trip and here is my work that i did in my google drawing.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Daniel Jesus ascension
Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Daniel Mangroves
Daniel Sand dunes
Monday, May 10, 2021
Daniel Saint-Therese-of-Lisieux
Today we are a having a meeting tomorrow and its about our learning we all had to do a little research about our saint and there was groups i am in an group with two leaders called kalisi aurora we each get our own text box but only four of them can do the writing and the another people get information i was one of them i went and find some information and i found some and its said St. Thérèse of Lisieux, also called St. Teresa of the Child Jesus or the Little Flower, original name Marie-Françoise-Thérèse Martin, (born January 2, 1873, Alençon, France—died September 30, 1897, Lisieux; canonized May 17, 1925; feast day October 1), Carmelite nun whose service to her Roman Catholic order, although and there it is and here is our thing that me and my group did.
Thursday, May 6, 2021
Daniel cardboard/mothers days mass/ card

Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Daniel Oropūare and Orokati, Vowels and Consonants
here is my vowels for the waiata and this was kinda hard but i did with my friends when i went to go and get my pencil i was like i know what the vowels are now so i went to the other side of the class and i put in the vowels and i had some help by reading stuff and learning stuff the five short Oropūare was A E I OU then the another one was the five long Oropūare and here it is ā ē ī ō ū the next one is the eight orokati and here are the words i hope you enjoy bye.
h | k | n | m | p |
r | t | w | ng | wh |