
Sunday, August 15, 2021

Daniel Amazing plants Presentation

On Friday we had a very special learning thing at was amazing plants we had presentations and we had to do to an audience but sadly we had a school coming over but they were to busy but the principle of the school. (Dr.Jannie) has come over to our school to present them so then we had different groups but different sides there was native plants and pacific plants and i was in the native plants i did manuka and kanuka and my working teammates was Malia and Moala, Jacob, so we each did parts of the manuka and kanuka but on each of our slides we did the simarlarity between manuka and kanukas blah blah then we created a ven diagram which had each of manuka and kanuka's parts then we presented and they liked our work after we had singing practice.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Daniel Spelling Activity/Puzzle Maker

 Today for spelling i did a spelling Activity and it was to do a word find and lets see if you can do my word find.  my Word find and when you are done comment done. Good Luck! and words are down there


Thursday, August 5, 2021

Daniel Lalala shakira Footsteps Dance #2

 Today at Footsteps i had a really funny time and a Happy time. We Used the element time for a move and Tempo for a very move that gets faster and faster and we used isolation we did all of the dance moves all by our self's and my favourite dance move was the Jelly part it was like moving Jiggly Jelly and my second favourite move is the drums and the lala part and the song was called Lalala By shakira . Here is my activity and some photos of us dancing the the song we did.

Daniel The Feast of Transfiguration

 Today For R.E We did what does transfiguration means In a religious context, it is the experience of momentary divine radiance. so the first thing we did was go on to this google drawing that our Teacher sent and it said why is Moses and Elijah Important to Jesus and Why is Calvary Important and Jesus and his Disciples and Moses is so important because he had powers from Jesus Father (GOD) The Thing i found hard was Thinking and the easy one i found was Decorating my google drawing. Here is My activity and a Picture

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Daniel Workout Plan

 Today for Reading and Writing i watched a video called Kids workout 1 Beginners and we had to do a Workout plan. The First thing we had to do was listen to the video and hear the exercises that they are calling out. the second thing i had to do write down my Workout plan. And i had a really exciting time learning some new stuff.Here is my activity and a the video Kids workout 1 Beginner.

Daniel Prayer and Service

 Today for R.E i did ways of worshipping God through prayer and service. The first thing we had to do was go put the questions on the google drawing. After you have done that you have to answer the questions. Then you have to do another R.E activity. And i had a really fun time working with myself. Here is my Activity.

Thursday, July 29, 2021

Daniel Olympics Comparisons

 Today for Inquiry we did a learning thing called Olympics Comparisons the first thing we had to do was find a group with three people so i found a group and we introduced our selves they said there names were Briana and Solomon. After we had to make a google drawing. Then we had to do what happen in the ancient Olympics and the Modern Olympics and the 2021 Olympics. And i really had fun working with my friends and us giving the both same advice. And here is my Activity.